Mobility scooters prices

There is a huge range of mobility scooters prices to be found when you are researching buying a mobility scooter. So that makes choosing one simply a matter of price surely?

Well if you buy everything purely on price the old saying “you get what you pay for” comes in to play.

Firstly, the prices of quality mobility scooters are dictated by the fact that they are a medical device. They are designed to aid people with mobility issues and, as such, the better ones will be adaptable to the owner of the scooter.

So, the question is where is the money saved in cheap scooters?

Surprisingly one of the largest costs in developing any vehicle is the design and engineering.

For any design to offer true value to the end user it must also be preceded by a lengthy period of research.

At Quingo we know this because we have created innovative solutions to common issues found in both three and four-wheel mobility scooters.

Our designs are protected by worldwide patents under our Quintell™ trademark and are only available in the Quingo range of mobility scooters.

a range of motility scooter prices

These designs allow our scooters to offer valuable characteristics that no other design can give you in one scooter.

Our ergonomic posture control system was created to allow your scooter to adapt to you and your bodies particular size shape and your medical condition.

This system benefits from many elements that combined allow our scooters to offer exceptional comfort which is vital for reducing the pain often associated with medical conditions.

So, what are these key features?

Our five-wheel design offers up to 80% more legroom than a comparative four-wheel scooter while featuring unrivalled stability, something a three-wheel scooter cannot offer.

mobility scooter posture

Our adjustable self-centring tillers allow you to have the perfect relationship with your steering. This makes not only for improved comfort it also greatly increases your ability to safely control your scooter.

Our seats are adjustable in both planes vertical and forwards and backwards and in all but one model, the Flyte, the seat can be swivelled to make getting on or off the scooter a breeze.

The seats on cheaper scooters offer none of this adjustment and can even be as bad as two planks covered with thin foam. Using one of these scooters for anything other than shortest of journeys must bring excruciating pain to the driver.

Our Adaptive Footplates are the final piece in the comfort puzzle. They can be adjusted backwards and forwards, up and down and they tilt allowing your feet and ankles to find the most comfortable angle for you.

Put all of these things together and you have a relaxing position that reduces stress on your arms, back, hips, knees and ankles. Quite simply it grants you incredible comfort and security.

The next and most obvious way lesser and cheaper mobility scooters cut cost is in build quality.

Cheap scooters will use pared down components to meet the price rather than offer a consistent product. It is quite simple, the lower the price the higher the likelihood of components being flawed through being poorly manufacturing or design often leads to early failure. As someone who is reliant on a mobility device to get around your scooter breaking down isn’t just an inconvenience, it could leave you stranded and possibly exposed to danger.

Quality control is also likely to be poor to non-existent which could lead to the cheapest scooters being potentially hazardous.
While mobility scooter prices cover a huge range so does the value offered!

Is the price of your mobility scooter reflected in its true value?

So, we would advise you not to make your choice based solely on mobility scooters prices, but on how much the scooter offers for the price.

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